Here are a few ideas to keep your MSHA training interesting, fresh, and interactive!


  • Use the guarding and ladder presentation from the MSHA website. Take out the information that says if the pictures are good or not and then print them off.  Have the students get into groups and analyze if the pictures show an adequate guard or ladder.  After they have analyzed each one, go around and discuss each picture by calling on each group and tell them to explain.


  • Make 2 quizzes or worksheets for the end of the day. The last half hour, have them complete it in pairs, groups, or individually.  Then, have them work on it the first part of the day and go through each question student by student.


  • Make a free safety crossword puzzle. Discuss the items afterwards.


  • Make a jeopardy game using a whiteboard, chalkboard, smartboard, or PowerPoint.


  • Make a jeopardy style game with the Giant Jenga game. In order to pick a piece they have to answer a question correctly, or have the questions numbered on the pieces themselves.  Keep score, have prizes, and have fun.


  • Make a game by using the game in the style of Pictionary. Have the clues be safety-related and group them into teams.  Once they guess the item that is being drawn, facilitate a discussion afterward.  For example, you can use terms as fall protection, respirator, berms, blind spots, communication, safety glasses, back up alarms, 3 points of contact, etc.


  • Make an activity called “Spot the Hazard” or “Be the MSHA Inspector.” Gather the students into groups and print off pictures that have hazards or violations on it.  Then, have them look up the violation in the 30 CFR.  Go around each group and discuss.


  • Have the students get into groups and review a stack of printed off fatal accidents or close calls. Have them list best practices.  Once done, go around the room and have each group explain.


  • Conduct a hands-on hazard recognition exercise. Gather a variety of equipment (for example, ladders, lanyards, fire extinguisher, slings, ropes, respirators, tools, electrical cords, etc.).  Have a few of the items be deficient but explain that some may not.  Each person will have to go through, analyze the item and list the deficiencies or say they are compliant.  To expand the exercise, have them list the violation from the 30 CFR.


Amy Sandelin

MSHA Training Specialist

Duluth, MN

218-740-0086 Office